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Member Testimonials |
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!" 
Showing 751 through 775 of
1,143 total testimonials
I really didn't think I'd find a place like it on the internet to be honest! Up until recently, I only used the net for downloads and pictures, and I didn't ever imagine that there could be a place like it! I didn't think I'd ever find thousands of people on the same website with such a passion as mine; writing! This website is so talented, and I have enjoyed hours upon hours of reviewing and reading work. I have made many new friends as well which is great! This has to be my favourite website, and the first tihng I do every morning (except get out of bed obviously!) is check the site!
I never knew that I couldn't live without a website before. Fantastic, thanks to everyone who put in the hard work to make this such a fab place and making Writing.Com what it is today.
Writing.Com is my muse. I have been a member for only a month, but I have written more in that month than at any other time in my life. The contests are what motivate me. They challenge me to try new areas as well as allowing me to be inspired by the work of others. I have filled my portfolio for now, but I will be getting my account upgraded as a birthday present. (I would happily upgrade to a paid account myself, but my disability pay doesn't allow that in my budget.) I wish I had found the site earlier. Perhaps I would have been more productive since I am not working. I can't wait to explore all the genres.
This website has been so good for me. I can put some of my poetry here and get reviews from people. It's hard to share your work (heart and soul) with your friends and family. I come here and show others my stuff and they tell me honestly what they think. I like being able to share a piece of myself with others without having to face personal criticism from people and know and see every day. Thank you, Writing.Com for allowing unexperienced writers like myself to come here and just be ourselves.
When I joined Stories.Com, I was out of touch with
the writers I had once felt so close to and needed
to be in touch with. Writing is a world of sight
and sound that draws from the pen and gives us life as writers. This world is just now returning to me, since I joined Writing.Com. So often we have hidden talent and noone nurtures it for us. Here at Writing.Com we members can grow into better authors and challenge the world with great goals! I want to thank the StoryMaster and StoryMistress for everything they have done to make this site possible. I have just recently won a grand prize
in "Seasonal Tickets", a raffle, and I was thrilled at getting a computer. Nothing could satisfy me more than using it for writing purposes. Last of all, thank you members for giving me those lovely stars and reviews because good reviews are what Writing.Com is all about!
I've wanted to be a writer for a long time but have only recently taken writing seriously. It is no small coincidence, therefore, that the quality of my writing and the satisfaction that I have received from it have gone up dramatically since joining Writing.Com. I had to make the decision to put my pen to the paper, but Writing.Com has made that a very pleasurable experience for me. I now can't imagine my life without writing and I can't imagine my writing without Writing.Com.
Hello There! Well Today I have been on this writing port exactly one year. I love it here! This is my home! I want to thank everyone that I have meet here and I have made a lot of good friends here and have even become close to some of you. I have improved a lot since I first started and I thank Writing.Com for letting me join, expand, be creative, clever, witty and charming. ALthough I still have a long way to go, I am really hoping to someday be published and become popular and one of the favorites. This is really a great place to write, read and the reviewing is good, too. Most everyone is like family and very friendly; I look forward to being here for as long as you will let me! Thank you!
I find myself spending more and more time on this website reading and writing stuff for people to read. One of my new year resolutions was to write more this year. This website is going to help me keep that, I hope, I hope. I'm still learning about Writing.Com but I love it.
Writing.Com has become a part of my life. I have a new extention to my arm-my mouse! I have met many friends, had lots of useful advice, and have improved my writing. My friend introduced me to the site a year ago, but it feels like I have been here all my life! My writing is improving and I can read all I want, what I thought would be something I never really looked at has turned into my life. Thank you, Writing.Com!
I found Writing.Com through the director of a fanlisting website for a TV show I knew, and I've only been on for a few days. But this website has made me feel more at home than any other writing site I've been on, and I've joined several. The difference between this and the most prominent of those several is staggering. On the other website, I was disappointed by the lack of support from the administrators of the site, and shocked by the desperation for reviews that seemed to linger there; I'm not exaggerating when I say that most of the writers there spend most of their bios literally begging for just one quick review. I've known people to be on that site for years and not have 15 reviews to their name. I think that this huge gap in review level is very much linked to the sense at Writing.Com that you are being taken care of. I saw all the signs posted all over the website encouraging reviews, support for new writers, newsletters to attract attention, and even a guidebook to good reviewing. I was stunned and delighted to find that, within the first 20 hours on the site, I had 5 reviews for my two poems. I love this website. Thank you, Writing.Com.
I overcame my deepest fear as an author - that no one cared - because contributors to Writing.Com do care for each other. In the space of a few months, I was writing on a multitude of topics for a far greater number of purposes than I had wanted to contribute toward in years of writing. I now have the drive to push forward in professional writing thanks to this broad and bright community of writers.
I am so happy that I found Writing.Com! Posting my work and getting reviews has helped me develop my writing. I have also become addicted to this site! Reading and reviewing is so much fun, and I love reading new writers. It's great!
Writing.Com provides a lot of incentives for me to keep reading and writing. This is truly the best website I have ever found!
I am so glad that I found Writing.Com! I searched for months for a good site where I could share my work. All of the other writing sites I found were very specific about the writing they liked and I felt like I had to change my style to fit in. Here at Writing.Com, I can share whatever I want to and will always get good, constructive responses. I love this site so much!
I love this site! It has enabled me to write with no limits which is something I could never do before. I only wish that I could actually afford to get an upgrade, but other than that it is great!
I had been looking for a site that would not only let me post my work but let others view it and tell me what they thought. That's when I found Writing.Com; it was just perfect. Everyone on there had been so helpful in my writing. They always try to tell me how to fix it in the nicest way.
I have never had any problems out of Writing.Com or the people. Writing.Com is the best writing site that is out there. They give you multiple choices on things and you are not forced to do anything. It is good for young and old writers with the choice to choose what you want to read and not.
Everyone should at least try it! Your will love it I promise you! And if you dont I'll send you 10 gp's! (jk
I find myself sitting here; facing a nearly empty port (that I just paid a year for) and thinking--I have to write something exciting to fill this with. However, I don’t have the foggiest idea where to begin! I had no intention of paying for a membership when I popped in. I came to Writing.Com with an ulterior motive, to get your impressions of a manuscript I have in the works. Mission accomplished then I’d be gone. However, over the past few days I have received some very encouraging and supportive reviews on said manuscript, which moved me to read the works of other hopeful writers. Reading is easy to do. The hard part is reviewing and rating. I’m the type of person who wants lots of 5’s in my port and the kind of person who wants to dole out the same. Who would that really be helping though? That said, I took pen in hand and began a journey of truth, telling myself to be honest and compassionate; to do unto others as I’d have them do unto me. This whole new experience is wonderfully freeing. Now I’m in this for the long haul, a year at least, and I’m glad I took the plunge. So what if I’m not ready with my next short story, poem, contest entry, or Pulitzer Prize winning novel. I’m here to learn and to grow into my craft. Who says learning can’t be fun?!
I could write pages about all the good things I've found here at Writing.Com but in a statement: this is the best website on the internet for both readers and writers alike. Period.
Sometimes things just fit, everything about them is perfect. Like a true love, you realise it immediately. It was like that for me with Writing.Com. I knew I had found a place that had everything I could desire. A place to read, get honest reviews on my writing, have fun and interact with others with the same interests. Writing.Com has it all!
When I first joined, I wrote a little here and there. I wrote some plain poems and started stories. But as time went by, I made myself an active member of Writing.Com and my writing ablilties have improved greatly. I'm writing more often and my writing is of better quality!
I've been a member of Writing.Com for four months now and I've been intending to write a testimonial for quite a while. I found this site through a group I belonged to in Yahoo. I have seen other testimonials in which people state that Writing.Com is much better than other creative writing sites. As to that, I can't comment because I have no idea what other writing sites are like. I do not feel any need to look at other sites when I am perfectly satisfied with THIS one. I have a strong imagination, but I can't imagine any other site offering more or better services than Writing.Com. So I won't waste my time checking out others when Writing.Com continues to be outstanding in every possible manner! The StoryMaster and StoryMistress have created a utopian community for writers and readers of all ages. Every day I am astounded by the myriad of activities that can be engaged in, and the friendliness and encouragement displayed by other members. I would say that it's perfect, but the SM and the SMs would prove me wrong by adding another excellent feature to the site to delight all of us!
I have been a member of Writing.Com for less than two months and it has become a now unsubstantial part of my life. I have submitted just two poems so far (but more will be forthcoming) but I have received much satisfaction from reading the work of so many authors and of such diverse writings. Anyone who likes to write or read should join immediatly. A big thanks to all concerned.
I joined Writing.Com about seven months ago and it's been a wonderful experience for me. I have received so many encouraging comments from the people in this community and it has prompted me to keep writing. Also, I’ve had the opportunity to read some great writing and give my opinions to others. I have learned a lot since I joined this site and I now have the ability to review other people’s work more confidently. Thank you StoryMaster and StoryMistress for creating this amazing site!
I've been writing since I began high school, and like most people I wasn't sure of my work in the beginning. A friend told me about and I posted a few items, not expecting much to come out of it. I was definitely wrong! I've received great feedback for my stories and poems. The people here have helped me become a better writer and reader. Thank you, Writing.Com!
I stumbled across Writing.Com about four years ago when I was trying to learn how to cope with sexual assault. It was suggested that I start a journal and it popped up in my search. I have been here ever since. The ongoing support and encouragement from the community has been astounding! I recently held a contest for the survivors of sexual assault. I was amazed at the reviews, support, and encouragement I received here. It recieved over 1,200 views in just a month! It has been a huge help with my healing process. This site is not just about writing and reading. It is a real community where people come together to help one another in any way they can. A great big thanks to for providing us with a place to express ourselves, grow, find support, learn, and for some, heal.
Dear Writing.Com, I have been searching for a place to "hang my thinking cap" for so long now. I have trudged through the valley and sometimes ditches of the net looking for a place where SERIOUS writers can communicate. Most of the time I checked out the site I thought to be serious, I left disappointed. Then by accident I stumbled on to your site. All I can say is "WOW!" It doesn't get any better than this. Any question I have had it has been answered here. I am forever in your debt. I am planning on upgrading and for once I am confident that this will not be a mistake in doing so. Thank you so much! Truly hooked,
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