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Member Testimonials
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!Open in new Window.
Showing 251 through 275 of 1,143 total testimonials

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      I was so self conscious coming here. I planned to only read other works, maybe input some opinions and suggestions then head out. Only thing is, I came in and never left!!!! It has become my sanctuary, a place to share my thoughts and feelings in any way I feel fit to. Everyone here is so friendly, they draw you in with their charm and grace. I was treated so good that I don't ever want to leave. I get good sound advice and after you share one piece of your work, it is addicting and you have to come back to share more. I actually find myself writing more now, it is awesome motivation. Thank you and God bless everyone at WDC!!!
      I was trying to find a good writing site one night, one filled with helpfull people... But I couldnt find one... So, frustrated, I typed in Writing.Com. I fell in love that very night...
      WDC is GREAT! I have long been finding a website to post my stories where others could read as well... I dunno, five years? Anyway, just to say, I love WDC. It has more activities than I could bargain for. I've made new friends and had so much fun exploring the site. WDC rocks!
      I found writing.com in February 2006. I have been writing on and off here since then. I have been writing since I was 15 (now 23). Before I found this site it was really hard to find someone willing to take the time to read my writings. My siblings got really tried of me asking them. Here I have received many point of view and helps that have helped me grow as a writer. I hope that this place can help me to continued to grow.
      After becoming more serious in my writing, I searched for courses on line, but each and every one was too costly for my budget. Then I discovered writing.com. This web page is a miraculous work that dumbfounds me every time I go to it.

The people behind these pages, bless their hearts, are so ingenious, I can't but help want to tell other writers how lucky they will be if they check WRITING.COM out.
-- chip Author IconMail Icon
      I have been on this site for a little over four or five months and this is the most amazing writing site that I have ever come across. The people are so friendly, the contests really make you stretch your writing muscles. Before I was "merely a poet", now I have branched out and found out that "Yes, I CAN do it!" And I have so many people to support me.

      WDC provides an engaging environment for aspiring and perspiring writers. Through WDC we can all tap into the thoughts and opinions of hundreds of other readers and writers who can help us produce a story that is more likely to get noticed and published. Thanks, WDC.

George R. Lasher
      I found Writing.com to be a great help to me as an aspiring writer...i wanted to become a good writer but i never received support in my immediate and i lack the skills how to begin..environment. I wish there would be a good soul here in writing.com to teach me how to start it...please give me some tips how to write a simple story...i really wanted to learn..
-- matet Author IconMail Icon
      Don't have much testemonies because I'm still a stanger in a house that will soon become my father's. But I must say that writing.com is a single site with many voices!

      Coming back to Writing.com was the highlight of my life. I love the site. It has been good to me. I was once a preferred author when I was poeticbear. I am known as jblackglove now. it is the best place to get out and meet the world. The literary world is the best place to be. Writing.com is the right site for making it big in the literary world with other writers and readers.

There are so many things to do on WDC. Reviewing and rating are my favorite pasttimes. I try and try hard to do forty reviews a day. It is easy to do with the great writings I have read. The same can be said for you too as one who would like to become part of Writing.com. Come on in and join the fun.
      I was introduced to writing.com by a good friend of mine loved to write and read stories. Ever since then, I've been itching to get on it when ever I can. I would like to thank the creator(s) for making this. Its so COOL!
      I love Writing.com. Before I came here, I felt like I was only getting what people thought I wanted to hear about my writing. Now, I don't feel that way. I love the critique and the praise. I love it all! Especially everyone here at Writing.com, even though that might sound a bit sappy. Thank you to everyone here, and the genius who made this all happen!
      I believe joining writing.com was one of the best moves I have ever made. I wanted people to see my writing, to review it and comment about it so I knew what to change; and all of that has happened ever since joining this website. The feeling of actually being able to share my writing is great. Ever since joining, I have felt inspired to write more, to be more creative. Basically, I thank the designers of writing.com for allowing me to share my writing with others who want to read it.
      I discovered this site by chance, thanks to Google. I have been a member since the last two weeks, and I loved every minute of it. I observed that this site was established in 2000 and I really regret that I have not been a member earlier. It seems as if I have wasted 8 years of my life!! This site is well conceived, designed and maintained. I love the opportunity it gives to budding writers to display their work and interact with other writers.The review system is really fantastic .I wish to thank the WDC community for having me as a member.
      I joined WDC on the recommendation of a friend and I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute I have spent with the WDC community. There is so much about this site that exceeds my expectations; first and foremost, the people are amazing! Everyone is so supportive and encouraging. My confidence in my own writing has increased dramatically and I have found great pleasure in reading and reviewing the works of others. I recommend this site to people every day and plan to continue my membership here for a long, long time! ~Miss Natalie Erickson
      I usually grabbed my paper and pencil trying to think of things to write about. I could never think of anything. But Writing.com has helped me get started on writing stories. Thanks!
      I've enjoyed writing and reading all my life. I often wrote stories in my free time simply because I got board. Before coming to this site the only feedback I received was from my friends (and you can never be sure if they are telling you it's good because they are your friends or because it actually was good.) I wanted to broaden the viewers of my writing, and long story short, I found this site created an account have recieved good reviews and even am about to get one of my stories but in the Action/Adventure news letter. Since I found writing.com I feel like a piece of me that was once missing as been replaced and I am thrilled.
-- Belest Author IconMail Icon
      Writing.com has really helped me. I may have only been a member for a couple of days but the only person that used to read my stories and poems was my amazing girlfriend but now thanks to this site I can publish them worldwide and hopefully get feedback from a lot of different people giving me their thoughts and ideas be they good or bad. It will take time for me to publish all of my work but I know that soon I will have it all done and hopefully have comments and reviews. Thank you for giving me this oppurtunity Writing.com
      Writing.com has been good to me over the years and I hope I've been good to them too. I'd like to think so. We've had our tussles, but what good relationship doesn't have conflict, what healthy balanced relationship doesn't push and pull at your emotions like Writing.com does. I may linger, and lurk, but most of all I love and won't leave.
      Writing.Com. makes me so young as I enjoyed and learned a lot in reading the works from different authors. It also makes me so old as I gain more and more wisdom in my journey here. So old that keeps the child in me willing to share a great gift of true friendship from the heart to
one and all.
      Writing.Com is the only place I know where you get a thousand times more than you give.
      I discovered Writing.Com months ago now, and I just love it! The community is so helpful and supporting, and I've found it a constant source of inspiration! I have learned alot, and recieved some priceless feedback. It is a place for growth, education and FUN. I really love this site, and recommend it for any writer/reader.
-- Poplar Author IconMail Icon
      WDC is a place where novices (like me) and pro's alike can recieve support and gain the tools they need to improve their writing. It caters for all styles and niches and i would reccommend it to anyone to try and see, it has already given me a system to improve my poetry whislt learning from others.
Thanks WDC.
-- Luke Author IconMail Icon
      I have dreamed of writing ever since I can remember, but did not have the discipline, feedback or community of writers that was needed for me to feel confident enough to realize my dream. I am now writing every day, reviewing other writers and receiving valuable feedback. I love the groups, the learning opportunities, contests and the warm reception that has welcomed me at WDC. I hope to be here a long time. Timi
      I started just this month with WDC, and I have been hooked ever since. The people here are amazing, and there is truly great talent to be found. I am glad to be here, part of this community. Also, I want to thank the donor of the upgraded membership I received - whoever you are, you read my mind, and you have blessed me with your kindness!
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