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Member Testimonials |
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!" 
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1,143 total testimonials is amazing!!! It has helped me published my work for the world to read and share my story and know that I'm not alone! Even if I do become a successful author, I will still be on this site, because it's where I got my start and future big break!
I have only been on Writing.Com for a few days and have thoroughly enjoyed having my poems and stories read. I also really enjoy reading other people's work.
My parents are totally into this site, and this site has helped me come along in writing SO much. I check, write, and visit WDC as much as I check my email. This site gives me inspiration, and everyone here is so nice. Seriously.
In 2006, I joined and quickly became an addict. My muse was back, my writing was strong, and the community helped me stay inspired, engaged, and enriched. Now, in 2011, I am back and wholly addicted once again. I can't get enough, and I'm looking forward to see what inspiration lays around the corner for me once again!
Writing.Com has really helped me in my writing! I love the fact that anyone can read what I write! I've always kept my work to myself but here I can let people read my writing and comment on it. I hope to be an author someday and if I am I know it will partly be due to Writing.Com!
I LOVE It has really helped me to become a better writer. It also helped me prepare for publishing my book that I am currently writing. Thank you so much for creating this site. It has greatly helped aspiring writers, like me, come out of our shells.
I have been around for a while writing and striving, striving and writing. I was very unsure of my talent and made some progress but not a great amount because of my unsure attitude toward my work.
I came to and began to get positive feedback and the most incisive and complete criticism available from all the wonderful writers.
The upfront word for is SUPPORT. I have never been to a writing site that gives more support than at The reviewers are uplifting, encouraging and knowledgeable. They seek to strengthen anyone's talent with honest, progressive reviews.
I recommend for anyone. Whether you are a published writer or a beginner you can benefit from
Bertie Williams
because of i am able to get back with my writing interest, hope i'll get on track with the love of writing... kindly see my poems on my childhood days..... thanks
''Being a scriptwriter myself (well I'm not there yet, but yes just like, I'm on another screen-writing website). This website is fantastic, and there are many brilliant poems and far better stories on this website, despite the fact that I'm in the UK!
This website is, well let's say every writer's dream whether new or old. I always thought there was a website for writers, just like us screenwriters, and amazingly this is the one.
I'd like to see many screenwriters and writers to join this website and share ideas together.
A very good website, the people are friendly! Really they are! And all the things you need!
I'd rate this number one website in the web rankings of the world.
I've been saying that I was going to submit a testimonial when I hit a year of being on, this was after being on the website after one month. I really enjoy this website. I first found this site at school while looking for something interesting to read. The first thing that came up was Once in it, I started reading, reviewing, and eventually even posted some of my own pieces., is way more that a website with people's writings, it really is a community. I thank The StoryMistress, StoryMaster, and everybody else involved for putting this wonderful website community together.
Christian W.
I first joined back in 2008, the year before my GCSE's.
For my whole life I had been labelled as an underachiever, especially in English. I was in special help classes throughout most of my time at school. But within just months of joining this site I learned so much which really helped me not only drastically improve my writing skills but also to grow as a person. In 2009 I was one of just 3 people in my year group of 120 pupils to achieve an A* in my English Language GCSE and I owe that success completely to this site and it's member. Now I am returning as an A grades A-Level student and am looking forward to contributing to this community once again. is brilliant!
Writing.Com is Amazingly helpful to young writers like myself who are interested in learning more. I have really enjoyed sharing my writing with others. -Bianca
I had always wanted a webpage where I could submit my poems and other writings for people to read them and help me master the writing technique. This place is IT.
I have to say, I was scared about join Showing others my work, meeting other writers, but when I got the courage to suck it up and join, I realized that is a great place for those who want to write, read, or both. is a wonderful place. Because of it, I can now post my work that I couldn't do anything with. Writing is my sole hobby, and has made it so I can process that into my life...
Okay, I will admit it. I joined on a whim, just to be nosey, have a good read and see how others wrote. Wow! What a site, I have been able to explore genre's that I wouldn't dream of going near without being judged, practise by entering the flash fiction contests, get free constructive reviews of my work and ask for advice. Everyone is so friendly and helpful and you never feel like you are a burden. My writing has improved and yes I have now been published and PAID!!! I would not have been able to do that without I would highly rate this site and recommend it to anyone who is serious about becoming an author or who just wants to dabble as a writer. I can't guarantee that you will be published after joining this site but I can guarantee that you will learn to believe in your writing and become a better writer for it. So what's stoppping you? Go for it - you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
One day I was surfing the net casually when I typed creative writing and came across And, intrigued, I filled out the form and became its member on 12th January, 2011.
I am a high school student and have been writing for sometime now. However, I mainly wrote for myself and hardly showed my writings to anyone. But, since I joined WDC, it has been an AMAZING experience!!!! I have got so many reviews for my poems. People have sent me meaningful feedback which have helped me improve my writing. And I have learnt so many things after coming here. I get to read so many WONDERFUL stories and poems and these too help me to improve my writing.
Besides I have made some great friends over here and I'm getting to know more people every passing day!
In short, WDC ROCKS!!! It's the best place for budding writers to come and learn.
I am learning, I'm sure you'll too!
I was turned on to by my teacher and good friend. It is because of this site that I began to take my writing seriously. The people here are so friendly and are willing to help any person take their writing to heights, they never could have imagined.
I can't say enough good things about I had started a book back in 1979. I would write a little each year, but it never really progressed. I was directed by a friend to this site and I joined in 2010, primarily to finish that book. However, I got bogged down with it, so I started joining different groups here. I was encouraged to enter contests and just for something to do I took part in Pond Poetry's Picture Prompt Poetry Contest. I did not win anything, however, having to provide poems in forms that I was totally unfamiliar with (I am not a poetry buff) helped me to fuel my creative powers. After that contest I joined the Native American Picture Prompt which was for short stories. Again, I had never written a Native American story even though I am part Osage and my husband is Cherokee. To my huge surprise, I won two rounds of that contest.
That began my new career. When NANO approached I joined and decided to write in that same genre, Native American stories, PLUS I decided to make it my very first murder mystery. I am almost finished with it and it has been a joy to write. However, one of my constant readers of my mystery decided to look in my port for more to read of mine, and she found my original book, still unfinished. She rated it kindly, but that caused me to go back and read what I had written back in 1979. I was horrified, and happy at the same time, because I could see how much I had grown just from being on this site and participating in things I had not ever tried before. I hope to publish my mystery Wheezer And The Painted Frog and I thank
Writing.Com is a community without borders, religious or political prejudices or elitism. While getting constructive reviews that aid my writing ability, it is the friendships here that I treasure most. Like minded people of all ages helping to keep communication skills and the written form alive in days when technology is encryting everything else.
Thank you to!! I have journals of my writing that I thought was not good until I posted some things on I am edxcited to know that I have found writer's that can apperciate the same thing I apperciate. I have also found others that understand my writing. And at the same time I am getting help on ways to better my writing again thank you and fellow writer's....
Once, in the middle of writing a book, I went onto the Internet, looking for writing tips, typed 'writing' and found
I cautiously read a little about it and timidly slipped into the community, glancing nervously about me. I thought I'd experiment and posted a few of my poems up. I was bombarded with welcomes, reviews, gift points, and encouragement! I got really excited and posted more writing.
Now I have quite a bit of my writing in my portfolio, I've joined a few groups, reviewed a lot, made a bunch of friends, explored the community and learned from experienced writers - all for free! It's fantastic, a dream.
So thank you for being there, for your wonderful support and encouragement, for bringing writers together.
I joined this site last night because I wanted a place that I could put my poems up on and get feedback. I was partly unsure that I was going to get any feedback on my writing. I can tel you I got more then just one review! I logged in this morning and found 5 reviews on my poem, 4 out of 5 being 4 and a half stars. It was so encouraging! But it sure did not stop there! I also got a GP gift of 200 on one of my reviews. I am now encouraged and ready to continue to share my writing. Thank you for encouraging me.
I joined in June at the behest of a friend of mine. I'd been sending on line friends my poetry once in a while for a few years, but a new friend named Lynn (asthelogrolls) was a member on Writing.Com for a bit, but not very active. She felt that my poetry needed to be seen by more people and sent me the URL. Since that fateful day, I've been very active on the site in writing, reviewing and entering contests. I've been lucky enough to get 3 or 4 first place winners, 2 or 3 second place finishes, and 5 or 6 third place finishes. Needless to say, I love this site and look forward to a long and wonderful relationship with everyone on here.
WRITING DOT COM SAVED MY LIFE!!! ... One cold winter I fell through the ice. Nearby was a group of WDC members and one of them called to me: "Are you a WDC member? If you are then we might try to save you." Floundering in the icy water, I screamed, "Yes! Yes! I'm a member!" and I vowed that if I was saved, then I would turn my lie into a truth by actually joining. Fortunately, professional rescue workers pulled me out before the writers could make the attempt, but nevertheless, I honored my pledge to join. I know kindred spirits when I see them.
Most people consider WDC their home; I was like that till I learned the truth. It took a while, but I found out what WDC was to me. WDC is more of a vacation, a hotel with all the trimmings, right next to the beach. And all in the comfort of your own home. Why did I think this way? Because at a home you have to do some sort of chore, weather it be homework, dishes, laundry or what not, and those can be a drag. But you don’t have chores on WDC, instead, you have choices. And I’m glad I made the right one.
Thank you WDC, for being there for me, and for being the window to all the other wonderful people who also joined. Here, I don’t have to be afraid to express myself. Here I am free.
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