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      It'll be almost 2 months since I was first introduced to Stories.Com, and I'm happy to say registering here has been worth my while. I have met some wonderful people, talented authors, helpful reviewers and, needless to say, this is my favorite site so far!
      As a writer, it's rare for me to be at loss for words, but now, when asked to give my opinion on Stories.Com, I am. What can I say, besides.....I LOVE THIS SITE!!!! The amount of support I've gotten from my fellow authors here is just amazing, as are many of the stories, poems, and other works I've read on here. I never knew that mere words could have the power to entertain, to enlighten, and to bring people so close together, but they do, and this site is living proof of that. The means is simple, but the effect is truly awesome to behold. To me, Stories.Com is something of an online "foundling home," of sorts, for people like me, who get tagged as the "weird artsy kid." Here, you can use big words, or compare old people's skin to tree bark, and no one will ridicule you for it. I know I'll probably never get published, but I am so glad I found this site.
-- Emily Author IconMail Icon
      I discovered Stories.Com by chance, I idly typed www.stories.com in my IE search bar one day, and boom! I was bowled over by this lovely website. Only a few days on this community, and I felt like Neo, waking up from his dream into the real world, the exception being that Stories.Com is far more lovely than any dream ever will be! The people over here are caring beyond belief! They're all lovely souls. They've been through life, and they understand what it feels like. I must thank Dear StoryMaster and StoryMistress for giving us lost souls a dimension where reality and dreams intertwine and merge into one word : Perfection. Really, SM and SMs have to be the kindest, and most forgiving people, and it's a great honor when I say that I love your work, SM and SMs! This is really a great website. / Here's what we get: For the readers: The ultimate online library. There's something here for everyone here. No matter if your poison is horror, romance, religous, or even goofy humor, it's all here. / For the writers: the ultimate feedback center for your work. What's more, the feedback that you get is totally honest, and almost always, very helpful. / But Stories.Com is much more than just an online reading and writing website. It's a community, in the truest sense of the word. I've only been here for about three months, and it feels like I've been living here for a lifetime! There are so many good people here, in fact, the one wrong thing that I find over here, is that there are NO bad people! How can it be possible? How can everyone be so nice? If only the real world were so! If only the people that we knew were so kind! If you want to be part of the nicest, loving and caring community there is, you owe it to yourself to join this little abode on the web. It's become my home away from home, my wonderland, my dreamworld. And it is only here, that I found out what Family means. This, is the Family I never had. Thank you, dear souls, thank you.
      I stumbled onto Stories.Com by accident. I was just looking for something to keep me awake while I tried to write a paper. Instead, I found the most wonderful, useful - amazing site online! I not only get to read stories by aspiring writers, I get to BE one of those writers! I never took my own writing seriously, never thought anyone would want to read it. Stories.Com has given me such confidence about writing - there is no way to adequately express my thanks and affection to all the wonderful people who make up Stories.Com. You guys are the best!
-- beetle Author IconMail Icon
      Extreme Gratitude: Writers writing... lore for everyone, / Stories.Com website is a lot of fun! / Reviewing and rating helps everyone of us, / Visitors reading, think ‘say now, what’s the fuss?’ / That jolly Storymaster and the ‘Mistress too, / How can we ever, give sufficient thanks to you! / You have helped each of us live a writers’ dream, / To have our works be published and even have them seen! / All those genres, variety galore, / Spooky to romance, for us to all explore. / It’s a great place, that we all adore, / Bless you, thank you, need I say some more? / First rate, professional, swell in every way, / And all this... all of this... for so little pay. / News, tools, portfolios, and all of those contests, / Now that I’ve had my say... I’ll just give it a rest. / Sincerely... thank you both!
      I have redeveloped a great love that has lain dormant in me for many years. This site has sparked such an enthusiasm in me! For so many years I have spent all my energies in my family and career; this is the first "hobby" I have taken time for myself! Thank you, Stories.Com for providing me with such a rewarding outlet. Thank you members for being so encouraging to me and my writings; there are so many of you I would like to thank personally but you know who you are. God bless you and keep writing and reading!
      I happened on this site by total chance about a year ago. I was looking for a place where I could display my talent. Using excite's search engine Stories.Com came up as a hit and I've been a registered user ever since. I'm glad I found this place because if it wasn't for Stories.Com, I'd be sitting somewhere else doing next to nothing instead of working on my works and posting them for... THE WORLD to see. Thank you StoryMaster and StoryMistress for giving me and the world a place where they can publicly display their talents and become better writers.
      I have been a member of Stories.Com for about 8 months and I'm very impressed. Not only am I inspired to write but I get feedback on what I write and I can share with other writers. I even have my 2 grandsons and granddaughter on as members and they enjoy writing too! They especially like getting the feedback on their creative pieces. Stories.Com is a brilliant idea!
      Stories.Com has indeed been a blessing to me. For five years I tried to have my friends read my writing, but hardly ever, did I receive encouragement. It's not all that bad however, because their discouragement pushed me to strive and make my writing better, worthy I hope, of the privilege of been part of this family of beautiful minds. Stories.Com was the reward of my patience and perseverance at trying to reach out to others around the world.
      In a place where dragons breathe fire and elves fire arrows, I sit and await discovery. Behold, I have discovered a wonderful place called Stories.Com. This place is great, full of friends and laughter, tears and enlightenment. To express your talent or to read the wonderful works, join or visit, you are welcome here.
      Stories.Com has been one of the best things that has happened to me. My friend, Melinda, stumbled over this site, and she got all of our friends to join. Since March 13, 2001, my life has been blessed by this wonderful community. The people are so friendly and helpful when it comes to feedback. I've even found a home in the chat room. I am so glad that there is a place for us writers to come together and share our talent for the writing world to enjoy!! Thank you everyone who has done their best to make this site what it is. LOVIES!! *muah*
      I really needed a place like Stories.Com to showcase my writing and meet other people who appreciate that side of me. The contests and works of other authors here have inspired me to write items outside my usual topics.
      Yea, I admit it, I surfed the web. I was a loner, drifting from one place to the next, never caring or thinking about what I was doing. And then my best friend showed me her portfolio on Stories.Com and said I should get one. I did. Three or so months later, I'm a new person. I have a journal where I write down everything and I have 3 or 4 more item spaces where I can write about whatever I want! I can honestly say that I am happier than ever. Thank you so much for this sanctuary!

-- Issa Author IconMail Icon
      I joined Stories.Com because I wanted to see whether anything I wrote was worth it. I've always thought of myself as a nothing writer and not much of a person either. I wrote a few things and the reviews I got from people who really didn't need to say nice things to me, made me feel so special! Thank you, to all the people who told me what they thought of my work. You couldn't possibly realize what this means to me.
-- viva Author IconMail Icon
      I joined Stories.Com out of curiosity and have begun to look at it almost three to four times in a day! I am no great shakes as a writer, but Stories.Com is the perfect online vehicle for budding writers like me, as it provides complete infrastructure to post your writings, an e-mail service, a peer and senior review, an opportunity to meet and befriend new people by the thousands, and above all, through its ratings and review system, it makes better writers of us all.
      This site is the best, it has nice people who read your stuff and best of all they're super nice! You can spend hours here, reading, writing or making friends! So if you want to make new friends and spend the best time on internet, visit Writing.Com! In the year since I have joined Writing.Com, they have improved the look, feel, and over all ease of the site. Easily, this is the best site on the web. The e-mail services are amoung the best and easily rival those offered by Yahoo!! and AIM. For talking to other people, they have chat rooms, and IM console, and message forums. In fact, I met almost all my online friends on this site. But the main reason to join is because of the friendship here. Writers can easily find a home to post their works, and get postive feedback. Readers can find a wealth of items for their reading pleasure. And even if you don't fall into those two groups, you can still find plenty to do here. Create word searches, message forums, Images, there is more to do here than just write. That's why this the the best site. While the title is Writing.Com, there is something here for everyone. And trust me, this is my favorite site on line. Without it, I might have given up my dreams to write, but now thanks to the helpful members of Writing.Com, I know that I have the talent to take me far. Thank you Writing.Com, here's to more years on this great site.
      However melodramatic you think this is- Stories.Com has saved my life more than once. I get seriously depressed and the thing that helps me is to get on this computer and write what I feel and get feedback. Not just help with my stories, poems, and slightly peculiar lyrics, but with my problems! Thank you all so much! You're giving me the support I need as I work through all my problems.
      I just want to say that I love Stories.Com. It's a real place to write stories without letting people know who you are. Also, if you get stuck, you can always just read other people's work to get your juices flowing.
-- MeV Author IconMail Icon
      I stumbled upon Stories.Com while studying the market for children's book publishers. I was a bit hesitant about sharing my stories on-line but my anxiety has diminished as the rates and reviews have given me the confidence I need to keep my chin up through each rejection slip I receive in the mail. It also gives me something to look forward to as I patiently wait for a response from a publisher on my manuscripts. The support of the members is tremendous and I appreciate not only the glitter but the well-intended suggestions for improving my piece. Reviewing other registered authors has been a delightful challenge that not only is educational in itself but forces me to look at my own work in a different light. I am hooked. It's like caffeine in the morning and a hug before you go to bed.
      I registered 10/09/02 onto Stories.Com, became a registered author within a week. This site is exactly what I was looking for. Even though I haven't got to use all the bells and whistles yet, I enjoy the site. I get a lot of feedback on my writing. All feedback is useful. Reading and reviewing writings of other authors just inspires me to write more. Plus I meet people who have the same interest in writing as I do. This site is a must for writers.
      My mother introduced me to Stories.Com--she was so certain that I would enjoy it. I was a bit skeptical to say the least. To please and support her I signed up--that was the beginning of an addiction that has lasted to this day. During my first year on here, I am sure I frustrated my family by constantly visiting this site--now they too are "addicts". My eldest daughter has become so hooked on this wonderful site that I have had to resort to claiming "Mother's priviledge" in order to have my turn.
I am so grateful to Stories.Com. It has helped develop my writing skills and it has opened doors for my daughter. I am profoundly grateful for all joy and support I have received here. The people on this site have truly become my other family. Thank you.
-- Duckie Author IconMail Icon
      This website is the place to get the neutral feedback we writers crave. It's one thing to have editors tear apart your every sentence, but quite another to hear exactly what the readers think! With only a few months on the site, I've already learned how to hone my craft in a way that appeals to more readers.
      I just want to say, it will soon be one year for me on Stories.Com and I have really learned alot. The reviews I have received have helped me be a better writer. I have enjoyed the writings of others and have really been inspired by the help I have received for my work. Thank you Stories.Com, you are the best and I am glad to be a part of it.
      I came across Stories.Com through a newsletter I received. When I entered the site I felt like a child walking into a candy store for the first time. So much to choose from, so many different shapes, colors, and sizes of extraordinary sugary works of poems, stories, contests and dreams. Here was a place where hope abounds and I could also display my work and actually have others review it, but more importantly have others offer words of advice and encouragement that continue to build on my dreams. It will take a long time to soak in the wonderful flavor of this site, but right now I will just wallow, like a child in wonderment, at the many different selection of candies, not quite being able to grasp that it's all here right before my eyes. Peace, Mary
-- Mary Author IconMail Icon
      I would like to take this opportunity to thank the StoryMistress and Master for taking the chance and starting this website, and for sacrificing their time to keep it running. This was the first place I had the nerve to allow other people to read my words (probably because I'm hiding safely behind my monitor!) I am very grateful for the chance to hear what other people think of what I have written, I appreciate all comments. I also love reading what others have experienced or simply have to say about something. Thank you all.
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