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Member Testimonials
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      Stories.Com has given me many opportunities in various situations. I've been published in a book through the site. I've been able to be supported with life issues as well as offer support for others. I've been given a valuable opportunity to increase my editing/writing abilites! Without Stories.Com, I don't know what I would do! There's been many times that school essays have been revised for me here and personal poetry has been praised, raising my belief in my own personal ability to write! Thank you Stories.Com... not just the site... but all who make it the wonderful world that it has grown to be!!!
      I found Stories.Com about two months ago while looking for a free service to maintain an online journal. Needless to say, I have a lot more in my portfolio than a journal now. After reading a few of the many stories and participating in a few of the many contests and other activities, I found myself immediately hooked. I had never let anyone read my writing before, and this was a good place to start! Now I have more confidence in myself as a writer and look forward to sharing my new pieces with everyone. Stories.Com is a great place for readers and writers alike!
      I found Stories.Com through my twin sister, Fireant (go read her port!) She told me about this amazing place with some trepidation. What I found was amazing. I discovered my twin is a serious poet and one riot of a comedic writer. I discovered an amazing fellowship of wonderful people (like the Opals, 4provinces, Miblu!) What I also discovered, to my own shock, was that I could write poetry (well, my muse can, I merely take down her dictation,) and a place to work through some issues with essays and journaling. I guess the most surprising thing was the encouragement, support, and kindness of people who knew what it felt like to be rejected out of hand.

I’ve seen incredibly painful events occur here, and watched an international community pull together to gently support one grieving father, to hold and support each other during the recent Bali bombing. More than writing, this is a place of compassion and community, with room for the eight year old writing about ninjas or the professor who is published in his field. Amazing place.
-- Pita Author IconMail Icon
      Stories.Com bar none, is the best online literary site that I have ever come across. I cannot wait until I have truly learned how to access the unlimited resources available. I have written this and that and dreamed of moving to the next level of writing. Stories.Com will be, for me, the breakthrough or opportunity that I have been seeking. In the forthcoming months and years to come, this will be the site that I will launch and advertised my novels, books of poetry, and short stories. Thank you.

-- mau Author IconMail Icon
      There seems to be a lot of people who stumbled upon this site by accident. However, I was one of the lucky few who was told about the awesome Stories.Com by a friend who thought I'd love it on here as much as she did. And boy was she right!!! There is so much on offer here and the opportunities to learn and make new friends are endless. I come on here as much as I can because I can't wait to add more to my portfolio, read and learn from what people think about my work and read the hundreds of fantastic authors active on here everyday. Stories.Com caters for all tastes, ages and abilities and makes everyone feel worth something both as a writer and a person. I find myself wondering what on earth I ever did with my time before I joined because I can't imagine my life without my daily dose of Stories.Com! If you're not already a member you should totally join and check out all the benefits. I am sure you'll not only love it, but will be surprised by how many new things you'll suddenly find out. *Smile*
      Stories.Com is like a “Walt Disney World” for writers. Each time you log on you feel the magic that you first felt when you realized that writing was a part of your soul. The best part is that you are given your entrance ticket for free. You're always finding something new and you never run out of things to do. Even with its massive size you are still made to feel important and given appreciation for your work. The comfort and friendliness of its members still astounds me with every new encounter I meet. Stories.Com has a magical realm to it. It lifts a writer up and inspires them to create something they have never tried before. The magic never ends!
      This site is an earthly paradise for anyone who likes to write, read, or happens to speak English. I first stumbled across Stories.Com about a year ago, and spent much time reading what others had written; I only joined last month, and already I think I've finally come home. Quite apart from the joy of gaining exposure for your work, this place is a community of like-minded people who are so much nicer than the yutzes I have to deal with every day. Hello, my name is Publius and I'm a Stories.Com-aholic.
      A dear friend of mine and member recommended this site to me and I haven't regretted a moment of it. I have been able to pour my heart out and make new friends into the bargain.
I will surely be spreading the word round. A big thumbs up......
-- Rose Author IconMail Icon
      I found Stories.Com by accident and it was the best mistake I ever made! I've only been on for 2 days now, but have already gotten many reviews. Well more then I usually get. I've read some wonderful stories, written by wonderful authors and they have given me the inspiration to EXPAND MY HORIZON. It's like a big community and I can't wait until I establish myself. The people who took the time to create this site really knew what they were doing because it has everything a writer could ever want FREE!
      I write whenever inspiration strikes. That means whenever: whatever time of day, sometimes when I'm sleeping! If I was listening to a song and it really inspired me, I would scribble down my thoughts on paper in the form of a poem or story. Many of those papers are now long lost or forgotten. Now, I can save everything I do on Stories.Com. People review it and tell me if I'm gifted or just weird - you can't always trust JUST your own opinion. Plus, all these erratic ideas that pop up every so often are now collected into one portfolio that I can never lose, even if my computer is prone to crashing like it is! You can be any age, any race or nationality, in any situation or lifestyle, and of any level of writing skill - it doesn't matter on Stories.Com. Next time inspiration strikes, don't lose it - save it here so it can be enjoyed by all.
      I was introduced to Stories.Com by one of my best friends, and I've been on nearly every day since. This is just a great site allowing all sorts of exposure for amateur and even expert writers. I'm glad to be on here, and I don't think anyone will ever regret signing up. Here's to you, Stories.Com!
      I've just celebrated my one year anniversary on Stories.Com. A year ago, when my brother referred me to this site, I had no way of knowing what it would come to mean to me. This community is more than a place to read and write. It is a place to share ideas, thoughts, to discover endless roads of inspiration. Around every corner is something new to delight the senses, whether it is an adventurous story, a witty article or a poignant poem. It could be a delightfully fresh technical toy provided by the ever-innovative StoryMaster and Mistress. I've felt the wonder of seeing life-long friendships begin here, of lovers meeting across the cyber waves, of watching tentative writers blossom with confidence and pride in their work. I myself have found not so much a community, as a family of authors that have taken me under their wings, been the wind beneath them, so to speak, given me the feedback, encouragement and assurance to pursue that once forgotten dream... To write. If for no other reason, than for the sheer joy of it. For this I owe this site; its webmasters, its moderators, each of my fellow authors my most gracious appreciation. Thank you for this.
      Since joining Stories.Com, my children have become wards of the state and my home has been condemned. Just kidding!!! But who can argue that Stories.Com is addicting? Where else can we share our writings knowing some kind soul will read, rate and comment? Where else can you entertain yourself for hours reading other talented writers and offering feedback? Stories.Com is a paradise for writers and an endless bookshelf for readers. Thank you, StoryMaster and StoryMistress for creating this writer/reader haven !!
      I really love Stories.Com. It gives me such a buzz to know my stories are being read and enjoyed by someone other than me!
-- Circe Author IconMail Icon
      I recently became a member, and can't begin to express how much I enjoy the site. Navigating and finding my way around is still new to me, maybe because I come across so many links to other authors postings that I find myself losing track of time just scanning articles. I find myself with an awkward feeling of both relief and fulfillment, I've never considered myself a writer, and for the most part still don't. Although it is something I love to do. I have always been an avid reader, as a child I could sit for hours reading, it didn't matter what I was reading, sometimes it would be a volume of the encyclopedia set my parents bought for me, or it was a book I came across in the library. I spent enough time at my school library as
a young boy in the third grade to know the card catalog by heart it seemed. Knowing every nook and cranny of that library seemed almost as pleasing as reading itself. Just strolling through the aisles glancing at all the books looking for my next read was fun. I've read books I didn't fully understand at that time, and I've read books just to spite people around me. I've read books to learn of the world and people I wish I knew, and books to lose myself in a world printed in pages and seen only in my mind. It's funny that now I don't do quite as much reading, but I am doing some of my own writing. In one sense it brings relief, to set thoughts and ideas into words and print seems to take them off my shoulders. The fulfillment I get from writing, even if gibberish, seems almost childlike. Giggly type of fun that I reminisce from my childhood. Such a simple action, stroking keys and physically feeling my thoughts on the tips of my fingers as they materialize
into print. Thank you Stories.Com, for the inspiring, and rejuvenating excitement I’m feeling.
      I am a recent high school graduate wanting to pursue a career as a high school english teacher, while writing on the side. This site has helped me to organize my writing and the people who have read my stuff have helped it to mature. Thank you to everyone who has made this wonderful site possible. Sometimes, writing is the only thing that keeps me going.
      I had a friend recommend me to Stories.Com, knowing that I liked to both read & write, and was seriously interested about publishing. When I got here, I found myself in a commune if you will. Everybody here came for the literary experience, to share in what each other has to offer. I've seen nothing like it before or since...
      My college English professor once told me that editing and evaluating other authors’ works is essential in becoming a better writer. Stories.Com gives me the opportunity rate and review thousands of articles. I am certain my own poems and stories have improved because of it. Stories.Com will help you improve both as an artist and an editor.
      Stories.Com is about one of the best things that came into my life since last year. Ever since my best friend Yogurt (kris) introduced me to it, I have been hooked right in! It has helped me get back into writing (wich I'm afraid I was getting out of) and inspired me tons; it has been here for me through everything, may it be from hyperness-to depression! I have been here for almost a year and I already feel like part of the community! I think Stories.Com is probably my favorite website because there is so much to do on it, you can never get bored. There are so many talented authors, along with their work that has emerged since I joined. So thank you Stories.Com for being there for me and helping me in my time of need!
-- Author IconMail Icon
      Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To the creators of this site, its wonderful members and to whatever powers that be that sent me here. It happened one boring day long ago. I was searching the internet for something fun and fictional to read. On down the list was the most obvious URL imaginable... Stories.Com! And the rest is history. I enjoy reading all of the remarkable works here. I love communicating with the broad and beautiful rainbow of people here. I love writing... if I ever had the time! (I am constantly distracted with community efforts and reading/rating/reviewing!) "I feel a sense of joy and wonder at the love I have found!" Keep it up all you creative types!
      I was searching the web trying to find a good interactive story site for a friend, when lo and behold my search engine found Stories.Com. I quickly realised the value of this place, and encouraged my dear friend that she just had to join (in fact I liked it so much I stayed as well). This is so much more then just a website, it's a family of caring people who take time to read and give reviews because they care about words and wordsmiths. What I like mostly is the variety of types of writing to be found here, from short stories to prose you bound to find something of interest. It's getting so I spend most of my net time here now, anyone got the address of Stories Anon for those addicted, I wonder?
      Only 3 days into my debut on Stories.Com and I can't stay away from it. My mind is producing so much writing material that I have many works in the offing and am not sure where to start !! So......there are part works written in numerous scraps of paper across my desk. I thank Countrymom for bringing me here. Until 3 days ago I had neither met, spoken or even written to her; then a friend of mine sent her some of my work and the rest is history.
An amazing site that will be a favourite in my life for as long as I can read and as long as I can write.
-- hippo Author IconMail Icon
      I love Stories.Com. I accidentally found this searching sites for readers and young writers-to-be. But this is the place to be, especially if you wish to be a young author-like me. I only wish I had found Stories.Com sooner.
      When I wasn't on Stories.Com, I used to write Novels and Serials on Word and send them to people I knew by email. Now that I am on Stories.Com I can share those stories with people I have no idea who they are. I am an avid reader and writer, so this is my dream!
-- JMR Author IconMail Icon
      The more time I spend here, the less it appears to be a website; In fact I do not even remember when was the last time I thought it so. The more time I spend here, the less I feel the urge to write out of compulsion. Instead, I find an increasing joy in simply reading others and to write out of inspiration. The more time I spend here, the less the credits at the top and bottom seem to matter; I no longer watch the stars; I no longer try to capture the rainbow colors into the safety of my briefcase. The more time I spend here, the more I rediscover the lost art of conversation; To ‘listen”, to “talk”, to “agree and disagree” and then “agree to disagree” and move gracefully on to the next topic. And to “take-away” from this conversation, something that I can use, in the manner my intellect imagines useful; perhaps what any writer wants most of all. The more I do so and apply to my own environment; Voila! I find I have discovered the “key” to change, to alter significantly my environment. I have rediscovered a “sensitivity” to the world around me, to respond rather than to simply react, and, to appreciate the nuances of and the gifts our environment has to offer to each. Perhaps it is the focus enforced upon, working undisturbed, in the quiet lateness of night on a computer,
unavailable in the humdrum chaos of our other world; but the same “key” works in the other world too! If this is all that is offered here, I say, go on! Take the plunge and register yourself here forwith! There is so much more! Don’t take my word for it; find out for yourself what I mean!
-- Prash Author IconMail Icon
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