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Member Testimonials |
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!" 
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1,143 total testimonials
I came to about a year or so ago. I was reading stories off it long before that though. And now I write about everything as long as someone request it that is. For the longest time I was an awful writer. I never could control myself or use the correct words. When I joined I realized that my writings were improving as I read others. Though my writing is quite slow and awfully inappropriate at times its detail is much better. I thank and everyone that's reviewed me with their honest opinions. You have opened the gates of my creative mind. And let my creativity run wild. I've never enjoyed writing so much. Thank you!
I have enjoyed tremendously, as I have been searching for a place to find ideas, support and objective reviews of my work; and I found it. It has inspired me to finish a story I had written years ago when my daughters were young, and this year they have been prodding me to finish it. So with their prodding and, I am well on my way!
I don't even know how I get into WDC.I joined few days ago and that is,I can say for sure,the smartest thing what I did lately.
Is there any place in the world where you'll be supported for what you're doing by people who you never met? Yes,there's WDC.
Is there any place in the world where you can make your dreams to come true? Yes,there's WDC.
Is there any place in the world where you can drop even your worse thoughts and not be deleted by "friends"? Yes,there's WDC.
Bye,bye Facebook world.
Good morning WDC
WOW!!! My Girl send me here, I was too mushy for on I wanted to say how I felt, but I had no outlet...this is the PERFECT site, not only can I get my words out of me, but I have these VERY knowledgeable writers who are HELPING me, with cadence, wording, etc... Love the site...thanks for having, and monitoring it!!!!
I love WDC because I'm a young writer with a small budget and little courage. WDC has given me the confidence to share my work with people I have never met. That's rare for me because I am extremely shy when it comes to talking to people or even saying hello. Writing is my way of getting all of my feelings, emotions, and frustrations out of my head to where I can share them with the world. Reading is when I can forget about all the troubles I have in my life and pretend that I'm a wizard or a heroine. I love that because reading about the troubles of others, and seeing how they solved their problems gives me the hope that I can solve mine as well. That's why I want to be a writer. I love you! Thanks for a safe, secure place to let my imagination run free!
I just.... wanted a place where I could write stuff and save it. I had no idea. No idea how much more there would be. There are no words, in an ocean of writers, to truly describe the supernal collaboration happening on this site. It transcends material necessity into spiritual NEED. I am beyond grateful. is the best forum that exist for people like me in a country such as the usa which has so many millions of people and yet the greatest experience of alienation and loneliness that a person could ever hope to experience.
In small but especially big economies such as these the individual has to learn to rely upon himself for his own happiness and self fulfillment and mirth and joy and laughter and all this can be achieved in the dedication to words and literary self expression and creative writing .
I began talking to myself and by myself having no close friends or neighbour or family with whom to talk and to relate on a normal everyday basis.
Well I have now found and this is going to be my psychiatrist couch. Here I can explore my inner topics and creativity and I
plan to organize into readable format all that befuddels my mind and makes my heart and soul sorrowful.
I am usually a happy person so I hope to recapture my joyful contentment soon and be able to write about the birds and the bees and the forests and the trees and all the happy little things that make the human heart break out in song and joy and laughter.
THANK YOU WRITING.COM for existing. You are the medicine I so needed to express myself daily without constantly serarching for another...
from : Jesucristo1950
con mucho amor
Wednesday October 2 a.d.2013
I found about three months ago. I was immediately intrigued by all the events, contests,and opportunities for portfolio building.
I have learned a lot by doing reviews and reading other author's work. The contests are great. They often pay GP's generously, but the best part is that they make me stretch out of my comfort zone to write genres I normally would not try.
The fact that I am a senior citizen doesn't matter at all here on Wdc, authors of all ages share their work. Everyone is respectful of the efforts of others. Thank You
I joined WDC three years ago. At the time, I was new to writing and didn't have much idea. Since then, I have received so much positive feedback from other members that I now feel competent when writing.
I would like to say a very big thank you to Writing.Com, your web site has helped me to become a better writer. You have a lot of great ideas and have been such a help to me, I have just had my first children's book published. Its called The Adventures Of Mindy Moo Cow On Smiling Face Farm, It is on Without's help and valuable input, my book may not have been possible. If anyone wishes to know more about writing, then Writing.Com is the site to go to. Thank you, Writing.Com Yours Forever and Always, Ola Scott
The way I found is actually funny. Ever since I was a kid, I would always type in random URL's in the address bar of my browser to see what, if anything, would come up. I've always been a writer so one day, I typed in to see what would come up. I was sure I would like whatever it was. I'm so happy I did that because this site is perfect in so many ways. I've met some great people, read some really nice work and have been able to receive reviews of my own work as well. would get 4 thumbs up if I had 4 hands. Write on!
The worst thing I could imagine was to be doing lots of writing but waiting for 'the one', that ever-elusive piece that would be 'ready'. I knew, the only way I was going to get better was to read the works of others like me and let them read my work in return. is the place you want to be to find literally thousands of wonderful stories, poems, ideas and texts of every variety waiting to inspire you, and hundreds of people ready to give you that helping hand through comments and reviews. Annonymous and safe and totally supporting with all the tricks-of-the-trade you need to get your stuff out there. Get noticed, get confident, get!
I came to by accident, looking for another writing website that I used to belong to. Since I've started logging on to this website every day and submitting to multiple contests, I have found that the reviewers are very helpful and kind, and I have used their suggestions to improve on my writing. I look forward to logging on every day and writing "flash fiction" and even gathering ideas for bigger projects. I owe a lot to!
I am so glad that WDC was "invented!" 
WDC is all about writing, improvement, support and positive vibes.
But being online, I beleive it is also all about our minds. That's the beauty of this Internet era we are fortunate to enjoy. Minds connected directly to minds through writing.
You'll make many awesome friends who have the same interest; writing, reading, literacy, stories, novels, poems, getting published, the list goes on.
You won't be disappointed with the time you spend on this site. The saying was never so true; the more you put in, the more you'll get out.
Feeling shy? Depressed? Don't feel your writing efforts are good? This place has something for every level. Take it one step at a time.
That's what WDC is all about; helping one another like a team. Always ready to help but not in your face. Oh yeah! I love this place. And you will to, so why not give it a try.
Everyone's waiting to read your stuff!
And I'm waiting to review it!
Today it has been ten years since I first joined During that time I have made many friends and learned a great deal about writing.
I am now a published author (and content editor) with two print books self published and eight ebooks published by Museitup.
Thanks for the support and friendship I have found here!
I haven't been on WdC a month yet, but have derived tremendous benefit from it. I was referred to the site by a large publishing company's forum when I asked for advise on marketing my new book. What I found out is I wish I had found WdC first. The critical feedback I've been able to receive on my work and what I've learned just being a better writer have been an invaluable lesson. Anyone who is serious about improving their writing should be a member of this site. is to writing as ConceptArt is to art.
You know how on websites with testimonials there are just pages and pages of comments such as:
"Oh, this website is awesome/great because it helps me (whatever)!"
Well, this is one real testimony, with real specifics. I am a student in High School, never tried to write stories as a kid, just played my video games. However, one day an idea popped into my head, and it wouldn't go away - I'd find my mind wandering back to that story. So, I decided to give it a shot. I wrote 30,000 words (sounds like a lot at first - turns out not so much), before I got stuck, and I didn't know what to do. I wanted feedback, I wanted advice, I wanted other people's opinion on what I was doing. My family quickly grew tired of it, and my schoolmates never had time to even read it in the first place, even as incomplete as it was.
Then, out of a simple Google search for "website for writing a book," I came across and decided to give it a shot. I remember thinking to myself "what the heck, I'll give it a shot."
I'm beginning to ramble, so I'll finish up, but first I want to say this: my story found an audience, a helpful, knowledgeable audience, who gave me feedback, encouragement, advice, everything I was looking for.
If you're looking for a place where you can hone your skills as a writer, find great stories to read, as well as meet some of the most creative people on the internet, this is the place to do it.
I wasn't always good at writing. In the beginning it came naturally. Then for several years I took a break, and when I return it was gut wrenching to read what I would write.
Being at helped a lot, the contests which I tried to enter as often as I could, and of course the reviewing. The contests forced me to break through my norm of writing only in my depression, and the reviewing exposed me to good writing in a variety of forms.
When reviewing I didn't just look at how well the writer did, instead I asked how they accomplished it, and mimicked the techniques in my own way.
I am still here because I owe the community a lot for making me a better writer, a better person actually, and the writers here still inspire me.
I hope they can do the same for you.
I have been a member of for a little over a month. I don't know what I did before I found this site. I have been a professional writer all of my life. What I have learned during my tenure at has taught me more than many years of experience. The reviewers are very friendly and helpful. They always have helpful, constructive advice to give, unlike other sites where comments are geared toward your topic. The main thing I am learning at WDC is how to be a better editor for my magazine, Mid-Ohio Valley Poetry. By doing reviews and giving criticism I am learning to be more receptive to reading other writer's work. Thank you WDC!
The world around us is as changing as we are... but for a man like me, too trapped in his own mind to remember himself at times, the outside world becomes to alien... Where then to look but the internet? I'd been writing in various forms, most notably as a Roleplayer, for a good number of years and, while my early works would make even a newbie wonder why I first took up the pen... one of them is still visible on the site I uploaded it to... I keep it around as a reminder that I have improved far beyond what I was originally capable of. now, here, in 2013 I finally found and joined this site. At this point in time I am still an avid RPer, even going to far as to being a tutor on one site and forming one of my own. But there are some stories that beg to be written, and they do not fit as a roleplay. Until now I'd needed an outlet for them before they blotted out the dreams and thoughts of my beloved. Now I have a way I can bring them to fruition without ever having to worry about people piling hate upon me for being me! WDC, I've known you for but mere hours, but I am sure I'm safe in saying: Thanks for saving my mind from an insanity I would never have been able to live.
Through, I have found the encouragement I need to write and receive critique from others like me. I have seen all sorts of deep, fun, and overall amazing writing on this site. Anyone looking to become an author MUST visit this site. The activities are great, the site itself is well organized and the people are just so supportive... it is just perfect. Best regards to anyone and everyone, may you find success and gratitude in all that you write, read, and do in life. -Nick
I want to become a writer and a friend of mine mentioned how great is. Everyone is encouraging, the activities are fun and you learn a lot about your writing. I'm so glad I found all my fellow writers. I hope soon to be able to be even 1% the writers you all are. Thanks again for existing. You have become my addiction!
I found by mistake. I was searching for something tips on writing when I stumbled on to WDC. And I have never been this glad about a mistake. In less than a year, the site has provided me not only with the resources to develop my writing skills, but also with new friends. There is so much to do here that I spent all my free time on WDC only. It has become an anchor for me, helping me learn the nuances, and providing me the place to share my beliefs as well. Thank You!
I am just so excited by the discovery of WDC, I just love these folks they are true stars that sparkle in the sky. This site is so complete more so than any other on the net. I come here every day and spend countless hours writing and reviewing. I have read the best stories and poems ever here. Thanks guys. ~Lisa Noe~
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