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Member Testimonials |
Testimonials provide visitors a glimpse inside our site and its community. With more than 1,000 comments, Writing.Com is proud to have one of the largest collections of testimonials anywhere online. If you are a member who would like to submit a testimonial, please see: "Send Your Testimonial!" 
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1,143 total testimonials
There's no place like home.
Who needs to buy books when you have
Who needs facebook when you have
Who needs Netflix when you have
Who needs to eat, sleep, or work when you have
Can you tell I'm addicted to :)
This site is one of most thoroughly diverse I have found on the web. A reader may use this as a reservoir in which his mind may dive and swim through a fantastic myriad of prose.
The writer can hone his or her skill at their leisure and store work safely on this site. We may participate in various contests, review processes, have personal interactions, conduct business through email, and above all else, read and be read! It has been a truly useful forum for me personally and I admit, a daily destination for me as I work on various projects.
I just got back into writing, so when I found this place I decided that I would try it out. I love to come here to see if anyone read what I wrote, I find that this site offers me what I need to keep on writing.
Writing.Com has moved my writing up a notch simply by me giving and getting reviews. Whatever your level of writing ability and whatever your genre, it is THE place to be.
Im new at this. But I love to read. I love the way I got emails right off and I love the wonderful stories and tips.Everyone tries to help everyone else. I love writing and I write poems. I want to post some. But not sure where to post them yet and im still answering the mail. It is a joy to be part of this site. Thank you
I have been on for just a short time and it has been nothing but really exciting. The knowledge I've gained on Tips for Fiction has helped me a great deal in writing my manuscript. Thank you so much.
- Confidence Chichi Uba
My passion for writing is unexpectedly fluctuating. So it really becomes a problem since I do not have the luxury of time. I cannot simply write whenever the ideas struck me and worst of it, they came in at wrong timing. And so, when finally my schedule became available, the writhing desire to write had halfly-faded. And my imagination does not work on a 50% basis.
And I thought: This might be a problem.
But after being part of the community,I felt like suddenly my confidence fills up to the brim. Well,I thought I'm over...but there's a catch.
Hail forth the golden realm of writers!
Long live!
Hello, and Congratulations!!!
What a fantastic site *Smile*!
It's been almost a year for me, and what a brilliant brilliant thing you have done! This site has allowed me to open up a whole new world, enjoy my writing once more, meet people from across the world, and best of all, release my imagination and have people review it. This in itself has been worth the 25 year wait to get back into writing! *CandleV*
My brain has not stopped thinking up new ideas, has not stopped seeing and feeling things in a whole new light, since I joined. To be able to write as I always wanted, and not be afraid of getting negative feedback, is liberating. And that is what you have created here...a place where writers of all standards can express themselves, can feel comfortable and secure in their poetry, prose, and wild and vivid imaginings: where the standard of reviewing can ALWAYS be depended upon, and the knowledge and depth of understanding and advice on offer is priceless to budding writers, like myself. *PartyhatR*
It took some courage on my behalf to open up to the people around me, my family and friends, and let them see what I was thinking through my writing, but without, without the support and the guidance, when required, I might have missed my chance. I now have the confidence to try all and everything I ever wanted to write about, and I'll do it secure in the knowledge that I have such a great community of friends to lean on, and who will keep pushing me and inspiring me to 'write on'! *GiftY*
I will, for the rest of my life, hold you and your site in the highest regard for all you have done, and will keep recommending it to everyone who asks about how I started.
Hearty congratulations once again, and a very happy Birthday!
Kindest regards,
I initially stumbled upon Writing.Com last February 2011 after googling ‘writing resources’. I was looking for a place where I could get unbiased feedback on my own writing. I joined the community that very same day and posted some chapters of my novel in progress. After receiving my first few reviews, I was hooked. I started to read, rate, and review other writer’s work as well. Over the course of a few months, Writing.Com has become a second home for me. I can’t even begin to tell you how nice it is to interact with like minds. I initially became a member of Writing.Com to get feedback on my own stories and found that I have gained some lifelong friends as well as improved as a writer. I highly recommend Writing.Com to anyone. Whether you are a writer or a reader; whatever level you consider yourself (beginner, novice, intermediate, expert)…Writing.Com is the site for you!
I just read a testimonial from 2007, the addictive quality of WDC remains! I could stay on for hours, oh wait...I do. And I am so glad to have found this site to share with others who love writing and reading
I came across Writing.Com quite by accident. I had been a member of online artist communities for a long time, but now that I was interested in writing seriously, I was curious to see if there were communities available to me just for writers. Imagine my delight when, after googling it, I found Writing.Com! As I explored the site, I grew very excited—not only had I found exactly what I was looking for, but I could just see myself fitting right in! And boy, was I right! Thanks to, I found the help I was looking for when it came to my writing—here was a community full of people who were kind, supportive, and happy to help me grow as a writer! I felt more welcome here than I did in any of my artist communities!
But most importantly, all the writing advice, criticism, and, yes, even praise (because it's just as important to know what needs improvement as it is to know what you're doing right in your work) that my work received inspired me to devote my life to writing, just as I had with my art. I am now studying fiction writing in college, and was accepted into their competitive creative writing program with work I had written (and gotten reviews of) here on the site. So thank you, Writing.Com, for changing my life—literally!
I stumbled across Writing.Com just about one year ago when I was randomly searching around the Internet. I read a whole bunch of interesting pieces of fanfiction that seemed far superior to independent sites. I looked further and found great pieces for deep thinking, of enlightenment. Soon I created an account and found a whole world of passionate writers eager to provide feedback for one another. All I can say is that I've seen a lot of great pieces from the folks here, and I've gotta get some writing of my own done!
I have been experiencing and enjoying since October 18th 2009. It is the largest, most diverse collection of stories ever written and the best part is, I'm one of the writers!
If you are new to this site, please sign up and explore, add a story of your own. You will be glad you did, I know I am!
I just want to say that everyone that I have come in contact with since joining, has been absolutely friendly and helpful. Everyone seems willing to offer advice and to help others improve their craft. I absolutely love the site, the opportunity to read others works, and to have my own read. Terrific.
I always enjoyed writing and was really looking through some sites on the web to drop some loosely written prose. Then I stumbled upon and got hooked. I can't write any old stuff anymore, I am held accountable by a whole family for producing a quality work, prompted to be responsible with my submissions, and learn how to write properly the stories I love reading. And there are so many things to do on the site--it's overwhelming! I got more than I thought I wanted, but a whole lot of what I really needed. Thanks a million!
All my life I've had a dream of being a famous author. I'm still working on it, and has helped me tremendously. When I knew writing was a passion of mine, I went onto to write stories. From experience, Quzilla sucks cheese compared to In the two years I shared stories there, I got one message. And that was only a reply to a review I wrote to someone else. Here, I put a poem and the next day I get about 6 feedback reviews. If you want to write, this is the site for you. You'll get the encouragement and activities you need to become a fabulous and successful writer.
"" is one of the best things that happened to me. I first entered this site after I searched for a place online to post my writings. And the first result was "". I was so excited to find a community where I could fit and communicate with the ones that share the same interest with me. I signed up and began reading, writing and reviewing. Since then, became my second home. Everyone is so encouraging, respectful and nice. I couldn't be any happier... This site is a "one of a kind", a pure inspiration!
About eight years ago, a friend turned me on to I was hooked, reading what others wrote and starting to write fiction on my own. (I was already published as a columnist in a small, international, special-interest publication.) For several years, I was deprived of the use of the internet, but when I got back on-line, my first priority was getting back to I have written a couple of pieces that have been submitted for publication, and I have a good start on a novel. is the place for me; is the place to be.
How I got started on WDC? I was looking on the web for publishers. I came accross, read what it was all about, and signed up for a free trial. It took me a while to grasp what this website was all about. I was about to give up, when this "good samaritan" signed me up for a three month "Upgraded" membership. Well, if this unknown person thought this site was so good, I stayed to study up on how to do things the WDC way. I read all the newsletters that were very helpful, and started to write. Now I'm so hooked, my family is annoyed with me for ignoring them. I love this site, and thank you to my "good samaritan" for your kindness. You know a good thing when you see it. Yeah WDC!
I love! I used to be in a writer's group locally. It turned out it was nothing I was hoping or looking for. I get evals and reviews from like minded individuals, and others whose interests are far from my own. The thread in common is that everyone makes it about the writing. I get to read works by others in different genres and sometimes the same genres and review works that gain my interest. BRAVO, WELL DONE and KEEP IT GOING WRITING.COM!!
Ellie Mack
WDC is an amazing place for avid readers and writers of any place. I had an account back in high school, and 6 years later I finally came back and quickly became immersed in everything that WDC offers. I realized that I don't only love writing, but I really love reviewing and encouraging others. I appreciate so much the feedback I get and the very thoughtful and sincere WDC members who help me along the way.
Writing has been a seret obsession of mine for many years and I am used to getting 'that look' when I have been brave enough to admit to it. I came to WDC after a long fallow period, maybe a decade - lumme - so long? I didn't intend to stay long here, but I am becoming quietly addicted. It feels like walking the corridors of Uni - so much to learn, so much to do and so much inspiration. I can let my passion flow no one seems to mind at all that I am mildly eccentric.
I discovered in 2004 by accident. I was in awe at how complete and wonderful this site was. I became addicted emediately! Unfortunately life got in the way and I was not always able to get on and it was years before I was able to join the comunity again on a semi-regular basis. I started a new account in 2009 and I felt like I had been reunited with a lost love! Its wonderful to be involved with such a rich community of writers!
I love to write, my problem is that I doubt myself and so avoid doing it(!). spurs me on, cheers me up, gives me a lust for writing like nothing else can. Reading and reviewing other people's work helps me better understand the intricacies of writing, makes me feel like I can help people in the same boat and boosts my confidence in my own writing skills. Just logging on makes me feel like more of a writer as it enables me to enter a world of sympathetic and supportive minds.
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